We are glad to introduce our new project – student’s project web-competition. It is amazing and free way to establish international interactions between young architects around the world. It is the way to share creativity and show yourself to the professional community.
We would appreciate it if you could encourage your colleagues or students to take part in it.
If you are ready to get started – please read the information below.
And visit our competition site at: http://icon-la-competition.posterous.com/
Respectfully yours,
We accept every landscape project from every student or students team. Our aim is to unleash and share students creativity. Your project will be accessible to all Internet users to view and comment. This is a web-based competition. You do not need to pay or to visit us, but you can be sure that your project will be reviewed by top professional landscape architects from all the world. The most significant and amazing projects will be awarded by Organising Committee of ICON-LA conference on 1-3 June 2011.
How it will work? 
All you need to become a competitor is to register using our webform. We should know your university, your name and e-mail address. Once registered you will received an e-mail from our competition site with invitation to submit your content. We use Posterous as a web-platform for competition. So it is free, extremely simple and secure. All you need to submit your content is to send e-mail from your address registered using our webform to the site address. Subject if the e-mail will become the subject of your post, text will become the post body and all your attachments will appear embedded in the post.

You can delete and edit your post without any registration. All you need to interact with the site is your e-mail. If you need to write a comment, you should use specific links sent to you from Posterous. As a site contributor you will receive e-mail with confirmations of your site activity and new posts and comments on the site. You can change always  it, Posterous will provide you with specific links.
We encourage you to register at Posterous to have an ability to edit and create your post using web-interface.
Project and submission requirements 
The project should have obligatory parts: several panels in pdf-format and project abstract with explanations and illustrations. You can attach video files as well. We need your conception, eg master-plan, there is no need to submit detailed technical data. You or your team should submit only up to three projects. Please use this Subject template of your post: Project name, Your university, your name.

So, please remember:
At first – please register using our webform at our site
How to submit:
  • use your e-mail registered by icon-la
  • enter the subject using this template: {Your project name} ((tag:{Name of your University}, {Type of your object}))
  • use this tags: private garden, public garden, park, street OR create your tags – only do not forget to enter it in the subject of your message using (()) brackets
  • enter the body of the message, you can use in-line pasted images as well
  • attach files of your project
  • send e-mail to the following address: competition-icon-la@posterous.com
What to submit: panels - pdf, video file (optionally) and explanations - plain text in the body of your e-mail or MS office file, all attachments will be embedded in your post
What kind of objects: any from small private garden to the large landscape of towns and suburban areas
How much to submit: up to 3 projects, up to 10 Mb attachments for each e-mail
It is strongly recommended to submit about Max. 500-1000 words of explanation text.
What kind of text: Please describe the location of your object, project goals and other information which can be used to explain your project. And do not forget to introduce yourself.
Timetable & deadlines 
  • registration&submission - from 27 March to 1 May 2011
  • commenting posts - from 27 March to 1 May 2011
  • commenting will be closed on 15 May 2011
  • the winner-projects will be selected from 15 May to 31 May 2011
  • awards will be announced during 1-3 June 2011
Terms and conditions and how to’s
All rights for your submitted materials are reserved. You are the only one owner of all content you have submitted.
For additional information please visit  http://posterous.com/tos and http://posterous.com/privacy
Please contact us using contact@icon-la.org
We love your feedback!


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