
Приказују се постови за март, 2011

ELASA / Annual meeting

Annual Meeting – Germany 14 days roundtrip through Germany. Organised by students from TU München with support of mini teams in other cities. 14th–28th August 2011 Landscapes aren’t static objects. Changing political conditions and a social rethinking breed new types of landscape, the ENERGETIC LANDSCAPES: Landscapes, characterised by new forms of energy generation. • How is the problem of energy generation to be solved without compromising aesthetics? • What will be our planning proposals for our growing or shrinking regions? • What are the possible sustainable approaches? • How will we deal with the future ecological and economical conflicts in the European context? More details at:  germany2011.elasa.org

ELASA/ mini meeting in Switzerland / OVO PREPORUCUJEM

Mini-meeting 2011 – Switzerland in cooperation with IFLA World Congress 4 days special meeting in Zurich 25th – 29th June 2011 For the first time ever , ELASA will collaborate with IFLA and the student charette . Charette participants will have the opportunity to participate in the ELASA meeting which follows on from the congress. This will encourage increased student involvement in the IFLA Congress, Student Charette and ELASA. An exciting addition to the ELASA calendar.    ELASA miniMeeting Switzerland 2011 FLAYER (75.2 KiB, 226 hits)    ELASA miniMeeting Switzerland 2011 Programm (237.5 KiB, 284 hits)



Student Charette Design Workshop/HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil, University of Applied Sciences

Student Charette Design Workshop HSR Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil, University of Applied Sciences is proud to initiate this year’s Student Charette at the IFLA World Congress. HSR is a leading institution in landscape architecture and the only university offering a Bachelor’s degree in this domain in German speaking Switzerland. Topic The transformation of the historical Gruenfels site in Rapperswil-Jona within the context of urbanization, developing infrastructure and the need for recreation. Brief The Charette is open for undergraduate or master students of landscape architecture and the program will be directed by a team of Swiss professors. In the Charette the students will be asked to analyze the site and develop open space concepts concerning the historical Gruenfels site. The site chosen is about 1 hectare and has recently been affected by city growth and merging towns. Current plans surrounding the area involve the redesigning of the train station and...

Student Design Competition

Student Design Competition (ovo sam vam vec bila poslala, ali evo jos jednom...) Topic: Urban boundaries   Background Dealing with land as a resource in a sustainable way is a globally recognized goal. However, towns and villages continue to expand as long as there is sufficient space. The pressure on the landscape is growing. All too often it is still regarded as potential development land. In conjunction with these trends, the urban boundary is becoming critically important – it is the link to the open landscape that allows humans to meet their fundamental need to experience nature. The following factors have a direct impact on the physical structure of the urban boundary: Elements in the landscape such as topography, bodies of water etc. Ecology – biodiversity and integration The structure of developments and plots of land Density of the settlement area Intensity of use in the undeveloped landscape Ownership / availability Function and use, particularly acc...


Direkcija za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda je predstavila zone i urbanističke planove na svojoj Internet strani (http://www.beoland.com/zemljiste/gup2021.asp) . Urbanistički planovi su javni dokumenti, što treba da ih čini dostupnim stručnoj i široj javnosti. Zone grada Beograda predstavljaju grafiči prikaz Odluke o odredjivanju zona na teritoriji grada Beograda. Postavljanjem urbanističkih planova na Internet stranu Direkcije, želimo da omogućimo građanima lakši uvid u planirane urbanističke i infrastrukturne sadržaje u okviru obuhvata određenog plana. U narednom periodu Direkcija će u kontinuitetu dopunjavati mapu Beograda, sa idejom da se na svima dostupan način prikažu važeći urbanistički planovi koje grad sprovodi. Na preglednoj mapi Beograda možete pogledati sve planove detaljne regulacije koji su usvojeni i objavljeni u Službenom listu grada Beograda posle 2003. godine. Planovi su predstavljeni kroz različite opcije pretraživanja, a uvid u s...
MASTER INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE Piet Zwart Institute Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam University. At the Piet Zwart Institute, we distinguish ourselves as an   Interior Architecture Master programme by critically examining contemporary design and cultural issues on several fronts,  most importantly creativity, research, and technology. Students are pressed to be independent thinkers and to master new technologies and experimental design techniques, with emphasis given to material exploration, detail and full-scale fabrications as  groundwork to test and realize their ideas....

What is a Park - Landscape or Infrastructure by Nam Henderson

What is a Park - Landscape or Infrastructure Mar 15, 2011 by Nam Henderson How can a park be designed to serve as infrastructure(s)? Thinking not in terms of metaphor alone. But rather a park as the architecture for numerous designed outcomes. Park as infrastructure, means park as platform not only designed object/scape. From a singular tool to multivalent toolkit. It is important in such discussion to think of the less immediate impact. Of social design, the design of relationships. Such a platform-as toolkit-may result from more efficient, and stack(ed) programming. Thus maximizing urban spaces, suburban spaces, available spaces, that are under-performing. In essence, we should think about the best ways to maximize our various infrastructural corridors: utility, transportation, waterways et al. Another approach involves returning to and reusing brown-fields and other post-industrial sites. In recent years, especially on reclaimed land, one has witnessed the return ...


NAJBOLJI MLADI DIZAJNERI BALKANA PREDSTAVLJAJU SVOJE RADOVE Pobednički radovi regionalnog konkursa „YOUNG BALKAN DESIGNERS” u organizaciji  kulturne organizacije MIKSER biće pred-premijerno prikazani u Beogradu, u galeriji “Ozon”, 22. marta 2011. u 19 časova.  Izložba će biti otvorena do 31. marta.  U galeriji “Ozon” biće predstavljeni prototipovi mladih dizajnera iz oblasti industrijskog dizajna koje je stručni žiri, predvođen renomiranim svetskim dizajnerom Konstantinom Grčićem , proglasio za najuspešnije na konkursu „Young Balkan Designers“ .Ovo je jedinstvena prilika da mediji i publika vide izvedene nagrađene radove i upoznaju njihove autore koji dolaze iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Bugarske, Hrvatske, Grčke i Srbije, pre nego što otputuju u Milano gde će predstavljati kreativni potencijal Balkana na najprestižnijem međunarodnom sajmu dizajna. Postavka “Young Balkan Designers” će nakon Milana biti izložena na Mikser Festivalu 2011 , najvećoj regionalnoj pla...

Nikola Tesla iz tri ugla viđenja



ICON-LA student web-competition Official web-page by ICON-LA team. Landscape architecture projects. Create the best. Feel the best. Choose the best. We are glad to introduce our new project – student’s project web-competition. It is amazing and free way to establish international interactions between young architects around the world. It is the way to share creativity and show yourself to the professional community. We would appreciate it if you could encourage your colleagues or students to take part in it. If you are ready to get started – please read the information below. And visit our competition site at: http://icon-la-competition. posterous.com/ Respectfully yours, ICON-LA TEAM Memorandum   We accept every landscape project from every student or students team. Our aim is to unleash and share students creativity. Your project will be accessible to all Internet users to view and comment. This is a web-based competition. You do not need to pay or to visit...

Arhitektura za "siromasne", Eko arhitektura, jeftina arhitektura

za sve studente koji u okviru svog projekta zele da obezbede kvalitetnije stanovanje marginalnom drustvu, evo nekoliko primera: