E - scape transitional settlement Landscape International Workshop, Bar Elias, Lebanon
E - scape transitional settlement Landscape International Workshop, Bar Elias, Lebanon / 16 - 24 January, is organized by the AUB Landscape Design and Ecosystem Management incollaboration with the Center for Civic Engagement and Community Service (CCECS) at AUB, the Kayany Foundation and the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA)
The workshop aims to address the Syrian refugee issue in Lebanon tackling the landscapearchitecture contribution on improving the quality of life in the transitional settlements scattered in
the country in close to 1,700 locations throughout Lebanon.
The deteriorating situation calls for the development and implementation of interventions able to
face the problem of settlements and shelter needs for these displaced population. As landscape
architect we can help people, that are experiencing the separation from their family, home, culture,
society, in recreating the Sense of Place, of belonging.
In 8 days of on site work, students, researchers, professors and local communities will define a
strategy of intervention at the large scale tackling environmental problems and giving new
input/ideas, and at the smaller scale of the community to practically implement project for
community and social interaction, and for children interaction building place where they can regain
the children status, and learning while playing.
The influx, movements and localizations of legal and illegal settlements are shaping and creating
new landscapes. Together we will work to harmonize and coordinate the different local and
refugee needs as well as the responsibility towards spatial, cultural, economic, environmental,
aesthetic and social aspects. How is it possible to preserve the characters of the landscape and its
peculiarity as well as quality in the continuously changing territories?
The benefits of such an activity are multiple for host communities, Syrian communities, students,
and professors.
The pedagogical design approach being the catalyst of the project, the students are however,
expected to benefit from this experience on many other levels:
• It will require students to explore new territories (beyond the known landscape design
problematic) and move beyond their comfort level.
• It will expose students to ‘different social environments’ and make them understand,
analyze and finally act when interacting with displaced and less fortunate populations.
• It should develop sensitivity and awareness of their role as designers in terms of civic and
political engagement/responsibility.
• Finally it will push students to question important issues that are the issues of place, of
belonging, of borders and proximity in such geopolitically sensitive regions.
The workshop is free of charge but the participants must provide for travel and pay for
accommodation that we will arrange for them.
The enrollment deadline is the 28 of December 2014. Please refer to the attached application form.
for more informations please contact Ms Hala Fleihan Halawi at the CCECS: hf38@aub.edu.lb
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