(Español) La voz y los derechos indígenas sobre la tierra se escucharon en Lima December 17, 2014 GLF Committee Share Por Barbara Fraser, publicado originalmente en Los bosques en las noticias de CIFOR De niño, Cándido Mezúa Salazar escuchaba a los ancianos emberá narrar historias que explicaban por qué el agua del río es más fría en ciertas horas del día que en otras, cómo pescar de día y de noche, cómo sobrevivir al calor y al frío. “Estas son las cosas que aprendemos de los paisajes”, dice Mezúa, quien dirige la Coordinadora Nacional de Pueblos Indígenas de Panamá, el órgano de representación de los siete territorios indígenas de ese país. “Formamos parte del bosque,ustedes forman parte del bosque. Nuestra Madre Tierra está sufriendo, y el mensaje que debemos destacar es que todos somos responsables”. Sus palabras, durante la sesión plenaria de apertura de la segunda jornada del Foro Global sobre Paisajes 2014 en Lima...
Приказују се постови за 2014
2014 Global Landscapes Forum Outcome Statement
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2014 Global Landscapes Forum Outcome Statement Download Full text Official Outcome Statement of the 2014 Global Landscapes Forum, held at the sidelines of the UNFCCC COP20 in Lima, from 6-7 December. More than 1,700 world leaders, policy makers, researchers and representatives from civil society, the private sector and media met in Lima to discuss the future of land use sectors in a new climate agreement. Nine key messages form the basis of their recommendations. Author : Global Landscapes Forum Committee Download Full text
E - scape transitional settlement Landscape International Workshop, Bar Elias, Lebanon
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E - scape transitional settlement Landscape International Workshop, Bar Elias, Lebanon / 16 - 24 January , is organized by the AUB Landscape Design and Ecosystem Management incollaboration with the Center for Civic Engagement and Community Service (CCECS) at AUB, the Kayany Foundation and the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) The workshop aims to address the Syrian refugee issue in Lebanon tackling the landscape architecture contribution on improving the quality of life in the transitional settlements scattered in the country in close to 1,700 locations throughout Lebanon. The deteriorating situation calls for the development and implementation of interventions able to face the problem of settlements and shelter needs for these displaced population. As landscape architect we can help people, that are experiencing the separation from their family, home, culture, society, in recreating the Sense of Place, of belonging. In 8 days of on site work, stude...
Beograd na vodi ... koliko to košta ?
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Beograd na vodi ... koliko to košta ? Đorđe Bobić / izvor: http://blog.b92.net/text/24848/Beograd-na-vodi--koliko-to-kosta-/ Beograd na vodi je zaista strateški važan poduhvat oduvek bio pa ga sada vlast promiviše i nudi Beograđanima angažujući sve moguće informaivne i medijske resurse. I o svemu se tu govori, o kuli od dvesta metara visine, o tržnom centru od dvesta hiljada kvadratnih metara površine, o premeštanju železničke stanice, raseljavanju ljudi i firmi sa tog prostora uz Savu, novoj savremenoj slici Beograda, menjaju se planovi i prilagođavaju onoj ad hoc sačinjenoj maketi, govori se o značajnom broju novih radnih mesta, prosperitetu građevinske i druge industrije, o tri ili četiri milijarde eura koje će šeik ovde uložiti i uopšte sve se to plasira kao poduhvat koji će preporoditi grad i državu te ga je ona proglasila projektom od posebnog značaja za nju samu. Reklo bi se idila jedna o kojoj loše mogu govoriti samo zlonamernici. Naravno, takv...
Healing Garden
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http://www.healinglandscapes.org/gardens/ ----- Check for more info There are many different kinds of gardens and landscapes that facilitate health and well-being. Some are as small as a window box or few square feet of plants, and some are hundreds of acres. The TLN's primary focus is gardens in healthcare facilities - hospitals, hospices, clinics, nursing homes, and continuing care retirement communities. These places have been designed for a specific population, often with a specific purpose (such as encouraging seniors to get outside for exercise, sunlight, and fresh air; or allowing children to "blow off steam" during a hospital visit; or helping patients learn to use a wheelchair on outdoor surfaces before leaving the hospital). They are (or should be) designed using the most current research available. This is called evidence-based design , EBD. These gardens are listed on the Healthcare Gardens page in alphabetical order by name of f...
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NAJSTARIJE DRVEĆE SVETA “Ne postoji bolji i svetiji primer, nego što je to jako i divno drvo" Herman Hese 1. Matusalén (metuzalem) Ovaj bor (pino longevo) star je 4841 godinu. Zvanično reč je o najstarijem živom organizmu na planeti Zemlji. Nalazi se na Belim Planinama u Kaliforniji. 2. Tisa Langerniv u Langernivu, Ova impresivna tisa (taxus) nalazi se na malom groblju u Langernivu. Ima oko 4000 godina. Drvo je zasađeno u bronzanoj eri, i dalje nastavlja da raste. 3. Zaroastrian Sarv Takođe nazvan Sarv-e Abarqu , je čempres koji se nalazi u Iranu. Procenjuje se da ima nešto više od 4000 godina. S obzirom da je bio svedok mnogih istorijskih dešavanja, smatra se nacionalnim spmenikom Irana. Najverovatnije je da je ovaj čempres najstariji organizam Azije.
Inspiring and Innovative Response to Urban Rooftop
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Inspiring and Innovative Response to Urban Rooftop Source: http://landarchs.com/inspiring-innovative-response-urban-rooftop/ Mandela Park, by Karres en Brands Landscape , Almere, The Netherlands. Almere in The Netherlands is the perfect example of a low-density city constructed from zero. Architects had a great opportunity here to demonstrate to the world how innovative and contemporary design works. Mandela Park, which opened in 2011, was designed by Karres en Brands Landscape and planned by OMA as part of the master plan for the next stage in the development of Almere. This plan focuses on the location of future business areas. Mandela Park Overview. Credit: Copyright François Hendrickx Designing the Urban Rooftop As you can imagine, creating a new business center means ensuring easy availability and providing for new parking needs in the area. In this case, four-layered underground parking garages provide service to three massive towers. But...
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TEHNIKE CRTANJA U PEJZAŽNOJ ARHITEKTURI izvor: iz ugla pejzažnog arhitekte - amelin blog http://pejzazna-arh.blogspot.com/2014/01/tehnike-crtanja-u-pejzaznoj-arhitekturi.html Način na koji se mogu prikazati projekti u pejzažnoj arhitekturi može se veoma razlikovati. Zato, ukoliko bismo uporedili par projekata od strane različitih autora, uvideli bismo razliku u samom korišćenju raznih softverskih programa, odnosno pribora za crtanje ukoliko je u pitanju ručni rad. I onda bi sebi postavili pitanje, šta je dobro a šta ne, odnosno šta je lepo a šta ružno, ako se crteži uopšte i mogu definisati na taj način ,jer svako ima svoju "tehniku " crtanja i način na koji najbolje izražava svoju kreativnost. Osnovne tehnike koje se najviše koriste za crtanje su: ručno i komjutersko crtanje, a svaka od ovih tehnika se može razlikovati i međusobno kombinovati. Ručno crtanje-je osnova svih radova, da li samo početnih skica i an...
Urban Incubator: Belgrade
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Urban Incubator: Belgrade jedinstveni je projekat namenjen uređenju beogradske četvrti Savamala, koja je trenutno potpuno zapostavljena. U okviru ovog projekta budućnost Savamale neće oblikovati urbanisti, političari i investitori, već umetnici, arhitekte i aktivisti različitog profila, koji će godinu dana zajednički ulagati napore u revitalizaciju ove četvrti. Gde se odvija projekat Urban Incubator: Belgrade Savamala je beogradska četvrt na oblama reke Save, nedaleko od najužeg centra grada. Položaj joj je izuzetno lep, a ima i veoma bogatu istoriju, o čemu svedoče i brojne stare građevine. Ratovi, autokratski režimi i ekonomske krize ostavile su, međutim, poslednjih decenija vidne tragove na Savamali. Danas su zgrade u ovom kraju ruševne, a četvrt propada, kako ekonomski, tako i socijalno. Uprkos tome, Savamala još uvek ima potencijal za to da razvije nove i jedinstvene kvalitete. Urban Incubator/ Savamala - a City-Quater Re-Invents itself Koji su ciljevi projekta U...