To become an EMiLA student, students apply for the regular Master programme at one of the partner universities/ schools. During the whole EMiLA-study program students are subscribed at their home university/ school. After succesful application, the national coordinator will support the students in organizing two exchange semesters. The home university/school where you started your studies will stay responsible for your curriculum. This home institution will manage your contact with both other universities/schools you want to visit during your programme.
At the moment each university/school can offer 5 students to start the EMiLA-curriculum. The regular EMiLA curriculum takes two years: The first and the fourth semester are accomplished at the home university/ school, the second at third semester each at another institution of the network.
When applying for EMiLA, the students chooses between the different curricula options that the EMiLA study program offers (see Master curriculum). The choice of the curriculum and the corresponding exchange institutions should be based on the profile of the university/school and the language skills the student already has.
During the two semesters abroad, two specific EMiLA modules will be part of your curriculum: At Spring-/ Summerterm there will be a special e-learning module on European landscape architecture, so you can study wherever you are at that moment. In August-September there will be the EMiLA summerschool which is an obligatory part of the curriculum.
The existing curricula of the schools are different. The graphic below shows how the EMiLA-curriculum is integrated in the existing Master-programs of the partner schools/universities.
For further information about curriculum, application and requested skills please contact the coordinator of the ‘home’ university/school.
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