Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development

Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development

The fifth edition of the Master in “World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development”, will take place from 15 October 2012 to 14 October 2013. The Master starts with distance learning (from 15/10 to 21/12/2012), followed by residential learning in Turin (from 28/1 to 23/5/2013), and then finalization of the students’ project documents in their home countries (from 24/5 to 14/10/2013).
Essential requirements for admission are to hold a first university degree (minimum 3 years), to submit a viable project idea, and to be fluent in English.
The International Training Centre of the ILO (represented by the Turin School of Development), the “Università di Torino” and the “Politecnico di Torino”  in collaboration with UNESCO, ICCROM, and SITI (a research institute on innovation and socio-economic growth) have pooled their resources for the design and delivery of this Master.
The Master puts emphasis on strategic management competencies and project management for the preservation and promotion of UNESCO-designated World Heritage Sites (WHS) and other cultural projects, through the preparation of management plans and projects, including the identification of strategic activities.
Upon successful completion of the programme, participants will be awarded a joint 1st level specialization Master’s Diploma from the University of Torino and the Politecnico di Torino.
Considering your current involvement in cultural activities, we would be very grateful if you could disseminate information about the Master to all potentially interested parties and individuals within your sphere of activities.
There are two deadlines for submitting applications. There is an early bird deadline of 3 June 2012, and a final deadline of 2 September 2012. Applications received will be assessed by the Scientific Committee of the Master soon after each deadline and the most promising candidates will be selected. Partial scholarships are available for this Master for qualifying candidates (see website below for more details).
For any further information you may require, please consult the following website: or send an email to Ms Leonetti at:


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