International Festival of Art and Construction - Spain
The International Festival of Art and Construction is focused on 200 young and dynamic people from the world of art and architecture from different parts of Europe. They will live and work together for 10 days in August 2012, in a creative and integrated space of different art programmes, to debate, work and exchange experiences, through the participation of 20 different exciting workshops, establishing a balance between academic, practical, cultural and social networking.
It is located in a remote area, called "Villarino de los Aires" where it is one of the most beautiful and mesmerizing landscapes of the Spanish territory.
The event's theme is " SELF- SUFFICENT RURAL FURURE " It open up debates, in a globalized environment, proposing self-sufficiency as a possible future model that taps into the rural past.
If you want to join, you should register sending a small motivation letter in the website.
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