
Приказују се постови за март, 2012

Famous parks of Belgrade - http://www.beograd.rs

Famous Parks PIONIRSKI PARK One of the most beautiful parks in Belgrade. located between the Bulevar kralja Aleksandra, Kralja Milana, Kneza Miloša and Dragoslava Jovanovića streets. Until 1944 it has been surrounded with a high wall and served as a garden of the  Old Palace  (now the City Assembly of Belgrade). After removal of the wall, the park was put into public use and named Pionirski park, after the organization of the youngest (pioneers). In honour of the great writer of Yugoslav literature and Nobel laureate  Ivo Andrić , a promenade named Andrićev Venac was built between the park and Kralja Milana Street, and a monument was raised up. TAŠMAJDAN Between Takovska, Ilije Garašanina, Beogradska streets and Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra, there used to be a large stone-pit. That is how this park has got his name Tašmajdan (in Turkish: taš - stone, majdan - pit). According to an old testimony "it may be freely said that all of the old buildings in ...

Stare slike Beograda - old photos of Belgrade on Facebook


Arhitektura Beograda - by Designed

Arhitektura http://designed.rs/living/arhitektura Ni najlepše, ni najveće ni najnovije na svetu, ovo su zgrade koje opisuju Beograd. Stambena zgrada u Pariskoj ulici Omaž Miroslavu Mirku Jovanoviću kao majstoru Beogradske stambene arhitekture.  Chelsea historical  u srcu Beograda. Stambena zgrada sa izložbenom stalnom galerijom Muzeja savremene umetnosti u Pariskoj 14 Karakteristike:  Fasadna opeka i prozori koji prolaze kroz dve etaže. Stambena slikarska kolonija sa ateljeima. Kategorije: ARHITEKTURA BELGRADE 1 komentar Zgrada secesije u Kralja Petra Autor:  Viktor David Azrijel Lokacija:   Kralja Petra 16 Beograd ima nekoliko secesijskih zdanja. Možda nisu kao Bečka ali su vredna pomena. Staklena lepotica u gvozdenoj konstrukciji u Kralja Petra je možda i jedina prava. Bila je prva moderna robna kuća u Beogradu. Stambena zgrada u Svetogorskoj ulici Omaž Miroslavu Mirku Jovanoviću...

Modularni plutajući dokovi

29.03.2012. Kanadska kompanija   Candok , sa sedištem u Kvebeku je svojim novim modularnim plutajućim dokovima dala potpuno novu viziju o tome kako mogu izgledati marine i dokovi u budućnosti.  Modularni plutajući dokovi kompanije Candok! Modularni lebdeći sistem dokova za usidravanje je zaista potpuno inovativni proizvod. Izrađen od visoko kvalitetne plastike, sistem je lako povezati i postaviti, sa malo ili bez održavanja. Može se konfigurisati na različite načine u skladu sa potrebama, a ima i doživotnu garanciju. Nedavno je kompanija Candok postavila dugo pravougaono pristanište, sastavljeno od četiri jedinice širine i osamdeset i pet jedinica dužine.Tako su povezali obalu i plažu, ostavivši pristanište da lebdi preko velikih talasa. Ova atrakcija je potpuno oduševila "klijente" Candock kompanije, koji su proveli čitav dan ljuljajući se na talasima i  upijajući sunce, tako što su praktično lebdeli na površini vode.   http://designed.rs/news...

ELASA 2012 Serbia


International Summer Academy - Zurich

International Summer Academy Zurich  22 July – 05 August 2012 http://www.summeracademy2012.ch/


Program Application   ONE Lab 2012: Future Cities           July  9th to Aug 3rd, 2012 The program is open to all college level students and post graduate professionals who are interested in new means of design inquiry actively using the tools of technology and science. The program will be offered in two levels: 1. For students and professionals with experience in design;   2. For students and individuals of various experience and background who want to be introduced to the field of design. Admission to the program is by selection only. All applicants are asked to submit the following materials on-line: Name, Address, Email, Phone Number; One Paragraph Statement of Intention; Single Page CV; Three Samples of Work; Registration Fee of $38; The application should be a single digital file in PDF format and not to exceed 3 MB.  Applicants will be contacted via email upon receipt of their application.   Students a...



EFLA Student & Young Professionals Competition opens for entries

EFLA Student & Young Professionals Competition opens for entries By Damian Holmes on February 29, 201 European Federation of Landscape Architects (EFLA) has launched the Student & Young Professionals Competition which aims to help up and coming designers to get exposure for their projects and work. Any landscape architect (a student or a professional under the age of 35) can submit their entries. The competition and the catalogue is divided into 3 categories: Sites, Ideas and Projects. Winner of each category: a stipend for the International Masters course WORKSHOP for 10 days in Spain (in June 2013). For all the winners of 3 categories the costs of registration fee and hotel expenses will be covered. Additionally each winner will receive a stipend of € 700 to cover flights and accommodation costs (including expenses). The competition is open to entries from 1st March 2012. The deadline for submitting contributions is 15th May 2012. The results will be announced in June 20...

International Festival of Art and Construction - Spain

The International Festival of Art and Construction is focused on 200 young and dynamic people from the world of art and architecture from different parts of Europe. They will live and work together for 10 days in August 2012, in a creative and integrated space of different art programmes, to debate, work and exchange experiences, through the participation of 20 different exciting workshops, establishing a balance between academic, practical, cultural and social networking. It is located in a remote area, called "Villarino de los Aires" where it is one of the most beautiful and mesmerizing landscapes of the Spanish territory.  The event's theme is " SELF- SUFFICENT RURAL FURURE " It open up debates, in a globalized environment, proposing self-sufficiency as a possible future model that taps into the rural past. If you want to join, you should register sending a small motivation letter in the website. More info:  www.ifac2012.com

Sajam održivog razvoja u Delta sitiju

Studentska organizacija AISEK (AIESEC) organizuje sutra u Beogradu jednodnevni sajam na kome će razna preduzeća predstaviti programe i akcije održivog razvoja. Kako je saopštila ta organizacija, posetiocima će biti predstavljene praktične primene koncepta održivog razvoja u preduzećima i nevladinim organizacijama. Na sajmu će učestvovati kompanije Ernst i Jang (Ernst & Young), Ekoist (Ecoist), Božić i sinovi, Daj daj pelene, Bioidea sapuni, magazin Liceulice i Divac fondacija. Biće prikazani i projekti mladih za održiv razvoj Srbije, a učesnici konkursa na temu održivog razvoja mogu se informisati kako da dobiju podršku za realizaciju svojih ideja. Konkurs traje do 15. marta, a najbolji projekati na temu "Utičem na održivost životne sredine", "Utičem na održivost društva" i "Utičem na održivost ekonomije", dobiće 1.000 evra. Sajam održivog razvoja održaće se u trgovinskom centru Delta Siti od 11.00 do 16.00 sati, kao deo projekta "Odgovo...