
Приказују се постови за мај, 2016

Gethsemane – a prayer garden in Pune, India

Gethsemane – a prayer garden in Pune, India Source: http://worldlandscapearchitect.com/22470-2/#.VznFB_l95hE AddThis Sharing Buttons What makes a garden what it is? How effectively design a garden so that it can become a space with a purpose? Gardens, or as we love to say Bāghs are always spaces with a purpose. They are meant for certain pre-determined activities to take place; a place for relaxation, a place for children to play, a place for outdoor parties and dinners, a place for solitude, a place for group gatherings, a performance space… the list is never ending. The qualities that truly make up this sense of purpose in any garden begin at the very heart of the design process. The purpose behind the garden is what the designer has at the back of his/her mind from the moment he goes about putting pen to paper. Without this sense of purpose, the garden is at the risk of becoming rather like a river which flows and has abundant water, but never ...

Predavanje dr Vere Markovic. Biblioteka grada Beograda

VEZ KAO UNIKATNA DORADA NA TEKSTILU Predavanje dr Vere Markovic. Biblioteka grada Beograda, 11. maj, sa pocetkom u 19 casova