
Приказују се постови за 2016

Gethsemane – a prayer garden in Pune, India

Gethsemane – a prayer garden in Pune, India Source: http://worldlandscapearchitect.com/22470-2/#.VznFB_l95hE AddThis Sharing Buttons What makes a garden what it is? How effectively design a garden so that it can become a space with a purpose? Gardens, or as we love to say Bāghs are always spaces with a purpose. They are meant for certain pre-determined activities to take place; a place for relaxation, a place for children to play, a place for outdoor parties and dinners, a place for solitude, a place for group gatherings, a performance space… the list is never ending. The qualities that truly make up this sense of purpose in any garden begin at the very heart of the design process. The purpose behind the garden is what the designer has at the back of his/her mind from the moment he goes about putting pen to paper. Without this sense of purpose, the garden is at the risk of becoming rather like a river which flows and has abundant water, but never ...

Predavanje dr Vere Markovic. Biblioteka grada Beograda

VEZ KAO UNIKATNA DORADA NA TEKSTILU Predavanje dr Vere Markovic. Biblioteka grada Beograda, 11. maj, sa pocetkom u 19 casova

ELASA mini spring meeting SLOVENIA

ELASA mini spring meeting SLOVENIA 3-8 May 2016 Hide & Seek Discovering Karst Features Find out more on: elasa16slovenia.wordpress.com www.facebook.com/elasa16slovenia www.instagram.com/p/BBa5lYKHlFw/ Applications are open now!

Leksikon arhitekture i umetničkog zanatstva

Leksikon arhitekture i umetničkog zanatstva Slobodan Maldini   (autor) Izdavač: Službeni glasnik U 1.900 članaka, sa 1.800 kolornih ilustracija, arhitektura je prikazana kao umetnost u kontekstu opšte kulture čovečanstva. U središtu pažnje je arhitektura na evropskom tlu, a predstavljene su i staroegipatska, kineska, japanska, majanska i dr., kao i stilovi razvijeni pod uticajem kulturne tradicije Istoka. Obrađeni su arhitektonski pojmovi, stilovi, tipovi građevina, nacionalni i regionalni pokreti i tendencije u arhitekturi, kao i neki pojmovi u vezi s arhitekturi srodnim naukama i naučnim disciplinama. Posebna pažnja posvećena je opisivanju funkcionalnih karakteristika arhitektonskih objekata, istorijskog i geografskog konteksta njihovog nastanka i razvoja, konstruktivnog sklopa, primene dekoracije, ornamentike. Analizirani su i kulturni, privredni, politički, verski i vojni uticaji, kao i uticaj tradicije i nasleđa na razvoj arhitektonskih oblika i stilova. Nagr...

Predavanje: Priroda u službi dizajna

U ciklusu FUD javnosti biće održano predavanje mr Milana Jovanovića, sa temom "Priroda u službi dizajna", sa početkom u 19 časova. Biblioteka grada Beograda

Greener cities the key to happier, healthier, stress-free lives

Greener cities the key to happier, healthier, stress-free lives Date January 26, 2016 Read later Alana Schetzer An artist's impression of Melbourne covered in rooftop gardens and roadway parks.  Photo: Anton Malishev People are biologically wired to need to be close to nature, with more green open spaces and roof gardens needed to support their wellbeing, a new study says. A lack of access to greenery could play a role in stress and overall poor health, with experts calling on architects and urban planners to provide more green, open spaces in built-up areas. Curtin University professor Peter Newman, author of the paper  Biophilic Architecture: Rationale and Outcomes , said  including vegetation as part of building design has been absent in many cities and needs to be given more prominence. The City of Melbourne's Council House 2 building has a rooftop garden.  Photo: Jessica Shapiro "What biophilic designers ...

Photos of the First Flower Grown in Space

Photos of the First Flower Grown in Space by  Christopher Jobson  on January 18, 2016 As part of a new series of experiments aboard the International Space Station to study how plants grow in microgravity, astronauts have planted and cultivated an entire flower garden. This weekend, astronaut   Scott Kelly   tweeted a signficant step in their research: this firey zinnia bloom, the first flower grown entirely in space. Plants like lettuce have aready been grown and eaten aboard the ISS, but the   VEG-01   project is meant to explore how astronauts will eventually grow more complex foods like tomatoes. (via   Neatorama )

Pomozite deci iz Svratista - Drustvo arhitekata Beograda

Delikatesni ponedeljak - Sasvim obična večera Između dva zimska raspusta, 25. januara u 19h, arhitekti okupljeni oko Društva arhitekata Beograda* kuvaju odraslima u KC Grad-u, a za decu sa ulice. Na stolu je meni Svratišta za dece sa ulice. Cena bona je 150 dinara - za jedan bon možete dobiti jednu porciju. Pozivamo vas da zavirite u "šerpu-kasicu" i darujete novčani prilog u iznosu od 550 dinara čime ćete učiniti mogućim jednodnevni boravak jednog deteta u Svratištu. Sva prikupljena sredstva biće usmerena za podršku programa "Svratišta za decu" Centra za integraciju mladih iz Beograda. *Društvo arhitekata Beograda - DAB je dobrovoljno, nevladino, neprofitno profesionalno udruženje arhitekata iz Beograda. DAB je osnovan 1960. god. i od tada do danas ima vodeću ulogu u afirmaciji arhitekture i profesije arhitekt u društvenom životu Srbije. (foto: Stefan Stojanović)

How to Transform an Old Military Area into a Peaceful Park

How to Transform an Old Military Area into a Peaceful Park Article by Irmak Bilir. http://landarchs.com/can-this-winning-design-revive-urban-connections/ Green Road, a peaceful park by  REDscape Landscape & Urbanism , Province of Utrecht, the Netherlands. Nobody would deny that no matter the results of a battle, a military area can be depressing. One of the best ways to transform such a site is to turn it into a park. But not an ordinary park — a park that shares its history with its visitors. Green Road does exactly that, in a project designed by REDscape, led by landscape architect Patrick Mc Cabe. A Breif History of Green Road Green Road  is a large military area in the Province of Utrecht, the Netherlands, which has housed a former defensive trench and bunker system since  1918 . The area was a defender of the  River Lek  for invasion from the east, and it was built for this purpose. It has forts, works, and a wide of variety of bu...