Designing our future - sustainable landscapes (Source: ASLA)
Infrastructure for All Source: American Society of Landscape Architects Use the icon above to adjust the sound . Select the icon above to watch in full-screen mode . To download video, go to Vimeo and login. Key Facts: Many cities have been designed around their transportation systems, to the detriment of their own people. Now, transportation infrastructure accounts for 20-40 percent of all urban land . Even in Washington, D.C., which has invested in a range of sustainable transportation options, streets, intersections, and alleys accounts for 22 percent of all land, and once you include parking spaces, that number easily reaches 30 percent. These systems have also enabled the growth of transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), which now account for 30 percent of all U.S. emissions. (Sources: Wikipedia , Washington D.C. Department of Transportation , and “Urbanism in the A...