
Приказују се постови за 2012

A Mound in the Wood

Essay: David Heymann A Mound in the Wood Sorce:  http://places.designobserver.com/feature/a-mound-in-the-wood-on-sculpture-and-architecture/31248/ Peter Zumthor, Saint Benedict Chapel, Sumvtig, Switzerland, 1989. Herzog and de Meuron, Prada Aoyama, Tokyo, 2003. [Photos by David Heymann] Here, bluntly put, is one conclusion to draw from the earlier essay in this series on buildings and landscape : for many architects working today, site mapping strategies serve as a smoke screen — perhaps well-intentioned, perhaps not — used to sell highly sculptural constructions as landscape sensitive to a gullible public, that, were it not for this blinding landscape component, would likely and correctly be suspicious of our intent. And I mean sculptural here in the most obvious, perhaps least interesting and old-fashioned way: as strange aggressive objects that demand attention by being physically complex. As I suggested in an earlier series of essays , the after-Moder...

Nikola-Lenivets International Design Competition

Nikola-Lenivets International Design Competition Nikola-Lenivets Project and Archstoyanie Festival announce the competition for Nikola’s Belvedere art object which is meant to become one of the main landmarks in Nikola-Lenivets. The competition’s objectives include design and construction of observation deck/belvedere which will connect composition-wise Rotunda by Brodsky and Arch by Bernaskoni art objects into a uniform architectural ensemble and will become the high-rise dominant of Versailles Park. The main function of the belvedere is to let one see the panoramic view of the landscape from above. The competition is held in two stages. First the Expert Council revises submitted layout projects and selects 10 shortlisted entries. After the shortlisted drafts are completed, the Jury, on the basis of experts’ advice, will determine the finalist of the competition. The winner will be rewarded a cash prize of 100,000 rubles and provided with funding for the belved...

Zaha Hadid regeneriše Beograd

Zaha Hadid regeneriše Beograd "Cilj nam je da oplemenimo ovaj deo grada i damo mu novu namenu, ali istovremeno sačuvamo duh i kulturu Kalemegdana, unapredimo i poboljšamo šire područje oko tvrđave i ojačamo infrastrukturu ovog dela grada." Ovako će BEKO izgledati u budućnosti Izgradnjom savremenog kompleksa na mestu nekadašnje tekstilne fabrike Beko, koji je dizajnirala Zaha Hadid, biće nastavljen moderni razvoj Beograda koji je bio naglo prekinut osamdesetih godina prošlog veka. Nova multifunkcionalna građevina kod Kalemegdana probudiće beogradski duh “moderne”, karakterističan za glavni grad Srbije tridesetih, pedesetih i sedamdesetih godina. Svaka od tih dekada obeležena je ključnim zgradama koje i danas predstavljaju ikone Beograda i regiona: čuvena Palata Albanije i Radio Beograd tridesetih godina, ceo Novi Beograd sa svojim draguljem - palatom SIV-a pedesetih ...
  “Sustainable Urbanism: The Grand Unification”              “Our times offer an historic opportunity to rethink where and how we live, work, play, and shop. The path to a sustainable lifestyle builds on the principles of smart growth, new urbanism, and green buildings. If successful, it will not only reduce environmental harm, but also offer stunning enhancements to the current quality of life. The setting for this is sustainable urbanism, the creation and support of communities that are so well designed for a high quality of life that people will   eagerly opt to meet their daily needs on foot and transit. Compared to the    American lifestyle as we know it, the quality of a life lived in sustainable urbanism is healthier, happier, more independent and not least longer. What’s not   to like?           ...


A CRUDE AWAKENING Country:  UK   Filmmakers:  Basil Gelpke and Ray McCormack Runtime:  85 mins Official website Overview Filmmakers Basil Gelpke and Ray McCormack team up to deliver a grave warning in this documentary on the oil industry.

Designing our future - sustainable landscapes (Source: ASLA)

Infrastructure for All Source: American Society of Landscape Architects Use the   icon above to adjust the  sound . Select the   icon above to watch in  full-screen mode . To  download  video, go to  Vimeo and login. Key Facts: Many cities have been designed around their transportation systems, to the detriment of their own people.  Now, transportation infrastructure accounts for 20-40 percent of all urban land . Even in Washington, D.C., which has invested in a range of sustainable transportation options, streets, intersections, and alleys accounts for 22 percent of all land, and once you include parking spaces, that number easily reaches 30 percent. These systems have also enabled the growth of transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), which now account for 30 percent of all U.S. emissions. (Sources:  Wikipedia ,  Washington D.C. Department of Transportation , and  “Urbanism in the A...

Predstavnici Evropskog regiona Svetske federacije pejzaznih arhitekata gostuju u Beogradu

Predavanja EFLA.pdf 4092K    Прикажи     Преузми   


IFLA 2013 Shared Wisdom in an Age of Change Student Design Competition Redemptive Landscape Architecture Submissions open November 1 2012 Topic: Redemptive Landscape Architecture Earthquakes, flooding, tsunami, hurricanes, bush fires: natural disasters which have wrought havoc on landscapes around the world in recent times. Urban sprawl, oil spills, global financial crisis, terrorism: human-induced disasters which also have massive landscape impacts. How can landscape architecture assist in the redemption of landscapes afflicted by disaster? The student design competition for the 2013 IFLA World Congress seeks your visions for how the design of the landscape can assist with rebuilding, rehabilitation, restoration. What wisdom can be shared? Entrants should focus on a site that has experienced significant impacts as a result of a major natural or cultural crisis. An important consideration of the competition will be the way in which the design responds to change o...


ELASA MINI MEETING IN POLAND   http://poland2012.elasa.org/     WELCOME! You are on the webpage of the ELASA Mini-Meeting 2012 in Poland. Here you will find all the information you need. You will get some tips how to get there, you will also get to know the topic of the meeting and how you can apply for a place. Greetings from Poland, the country of whatever  YOU  want!  Check out our  MURAL contest!