
Приказују се постови за новембар, 2011

13th Session of the Winter University

13th Session of the Winter University The 13th Session of Baikal International Winter University of Urban Planning Design (WU 2012*) will be held in Irkutsk, Russia from 11th of February until 04th of March. The subject is «SUBURBANIZATION. The City and Ecology». Partners: Irkutsk State Technical University Les Ateliers, France The Union of Architects of Russia Contacts: WU Management Team: winter.uni@mail.ru Сoordinator : Katerina Masnikova katerina.masnikova@bk.ru

Creative landscapes transforming lives

Student Competition Creative landscapes transforming lives Background The transformative power of landscape design in cities has raised the awareness of the value of landscape architecture in creating living environments which satisfy a wide spectrum of the qualities needed for meaningful urban living.  This student landscape architecture competition aims to achieve the following: Generate new ideas about how creative landscape design significantly transforms lives in a variety of ways (directly and / or indirectly)   Increase the awareness of the various benefits that innovative and strategic landscape design holds for cities and towns Assignment: Identify a problematic area in your city or town (or any city or town of your choice) with rich social and cultural heritage which presents opportunities for transformation. Design the transformation of the area through the creative and strategic application of landscape systems and / or landscape infrastructure for the purpose o...


petak, 25 novembar 2011 11:11 Havijer Rivero Herez  (Javier Enrique Rivero Jerez), u sredu 23.novembra 2011. godine, u okviru predmeta  Pejzažna arhitektura   , održao je predavanje sa temom:  Arhitektura i Priroda , govoreći o svom istraživačkom radu na polju primene zlatnog preseka i  teorije haosa  u arhitekturi. Havijer Rivero je istaknuti arhitekta, predavač na Univerzitetu Antiokija u Medeljinu u Kolumbiji (Universidad Antioquia en Medellin) i arhitekta istraživač na Univeritetu u Japanu. Školovao se na Univerzitetu Santo Tomas u Kolumbiji (Universidad Santo Tomás) i na Univerzitetu Las Palmas de Gran Kanarija (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) u Španiji.