
Приказују се постови за 2011

Mini meeting in SERBIA (ELASA)

News about mini-meeting in Serbia Location: Belgrade and Novi Sad Dates: To be held second half of April 2012 (exact dates to be confirmed) TOPIC: To be announced at a later date  Space for 35-45 European Landcape Architecture Students More information to follow soon Share this: Share

13th Session of the Winter University

13th Session of the Winter University The 13th Session of Baikal International Winter University of Urban Planning Design (WU 2012*) will be held in Irkutsk, Russia from 11th of February until 04th of March. The subject is «SUBURBANIZATION. The City and Ecology». Partners: Irkutsk State Technical University Les Ateliers, France The Union of Architects of Russia Contacts: WU Management Team: winter.uni@mail.ru Сoordinator : Katerina Masnikova katerina.masnikova@bk.ru

Creative landscapes transforming lives

Student Competition Creative landscapes transforming lives Background The transformative power of landscape design in cities has raised the awareness of the value of landscape architecture in creating living environments which satisfy a wide spectrum of the qualities needed for meaningful urban living.  This student landscape architecture competition aims to achieve the following: Generate new ideas about how creative landscape design significantly transforms lives in a variety of ways (directly and / or indirectly)   Increase the awareness of the various benefits that innovative and strategic landscape design holds for cities and towns Assignment: Identify a problematic area in your city or town (or any city or town of your choice) with rich social and cultural heritage which presents opportunities for transformation. Design the transformation of the area through the creative and strategic application of landscape systems and / or landscape infrastructure for the purpose o...


petak, 25 novembar 2011 11:11 Havijer Rivero Herez  (Javier Enrique Rivero Jerez), u sredu 23.novembra 2011. godine, u okviru predmeta  Pejzažna arhitektura   , održao je predavanje sa temom:  Arhitektura i Priroda , govoreći o svom istraživačkom radu na polju primene zlatnog preseka i  teorije haosa  u arhitekturi. Havijer Rivero je istaknuti arhitekta, predavač na Univerzitetu Antiokija u Medeljinu u Kolumbiji (Universidad Antioquia en Medellin) i arhitekta istraživač na Univeritetu u Japanu. Školovao se na Univerzitetu Santo Tomas u Kolumbiji (Universidad Santo Tomás) i na Univerzitetu Las Palmas de Gran Kanarija (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) u Španiji.

Pejzazna Arhitektura


Landscape Urbanism’s History

Extending Landscape Urbanism’s History In practice, landscape and urbanism have been held apart by professional boundaries, which are reinforced by divergent tactics and working scales. Joining these two terms into a hybrid methodology, as landscape urbanist practitioners have recently done, has sparked new ways of approaching the condition of cities as vast horizontal networks. Landscape urbanism promotes a “disciplinary realignment where landscape supplants architecture’s role as the basic building block of urban design.”  (note 1)  This collision of terminology and methodology has contributed greatly to current design discourse. At the same time, the prevailing effort to present landscape urbanism as a new, emergent discipline obscures a substantial lineage of thought that bolsters its credibility, if not its claim for originality. Prioritizing landscape as the foundation for a sound urbanism, and doing so through synthetic, interdisciplinary practice, has strong roots...
Obaveštavamo vas da su sredstva potrebna za štampanja radova i Kataloga IV Salona PA jednim delom obezbeđena u vidu sponzorstva. Imajući u vidu tešku ekonomsku situaciju, Upravni odbor UPAS doneo je odluku da se kotizacija za radove koji budu izloženi na IV Salonu PA smanji za 50%, tako da je iznos kotizacije sledeći: - za članove UPAS - 1000 dinara po radu; - za ostale izlagače-profesionalce  - 2.500 dinara po radu; - za studente - besplatno. Iz tog razloga, produžen je i rok za prijavu radova do ponedeljka, 10.10.2011. godine. U prilogu Vam dostavljamo propozicije za IV salon PA. Organizacioni odbor IV Salona PA Propozicije za IV Salon PA-srpski-krajnji datumi.doc 171K    Прикажи     Преузми   


                                 http://www.le-notre.org/ uploads/attachments/Student_ Competition.pdf

Konkurs za arhitektonsko vizuelno obeležje starog gradskog jezgra

  Počinje rekonstrukcija starog gradskog jezgra PANČEVO, 15. septembar 2011. (TV Pančevo) – Sledeće nedelje počinju radovi na rekonstrukciji dela starog gradskog jezgra. Istovremeno, Direkcija za izgradnju raspisaće konkurs za arhitektonsko vizuelno obeležje ovog dela Pančeva. Konkurs će trajati do oktobra, a najbolji radovi biće prezentovani za Dan grada Pančeva, 8. novembra.  ShareThis Konkurs za arhitektonsko vizuelno obeležje starog gradskog jezgra biće objavljen u ponedeljak 19. septembra u politici. Na konkurs se mogu prijaviti stručnjaci i studenti iz oblasti arhitekture, dizajna, umetnosti i gradjevine. - Imali smo i nedavno izložbu, a to je bilo u sklopu aktivnosti koje smo imali, kako bi dali poseban značaj ovom delu grada,odnosno da sveobuhvatno sagledamo sve mogućnosti i da ih otvorimo. Želimo da gradjanima otvorimo perspektivu razvoja tog dela Pančeva, zatim da se život tu vrati i da naš grad dobije ono što zaslužuje, izjavila je na današnjoj konferen...

Konkurs i radionica "Urbane oaze"

Konkurs i radionica "Urbane oaze" Tema konkursa Urbane oaze   - Predložite vi zgradu koja je prikladna za jednu od tri kategorije idejnih rešenja : 1. Zeleni krov 2. Spoljašnja vertikalna bašta 3. Unutrašnja vertikalna bašta Informacije o konkursu možete naći na adresi:   www.event.ecoist.rs/konkurs

Suburbia Transformed 2.0

Eligible:  students, professionals Register:  17 February 2012  / Submit:  9 March 2012 Registration fee:  35-95 $ The goal of Suburbia Transformed 2.0 is to promote and celebrate residential designs that go beyond “green” by explicitly using sustainable strategies, tactics and technologies to enrich the aesthetic spatial experience of people. ST 2.0 will assemble contemporary projects achieving this goal into an exhibition and catalogue. The emphasis is on how such sustainable landscapes can be beautiful, inspiring, perhaps profound; and serve as examples for transforming the suburban residential fabric, one garden at a time. Significantly, this year’s version, ST 2.0, invites the submission of visionary (unbuilt) work, along with built projects. Our hope is to trigger an instructive dialog between design that has been built and that which is untethered to the construction process. Such a curatorial stance has the additional benefit of opening ...
4th Landscape Architecture Exhibition in Serbia The Serbian Association of Landscape Architects is inviting to the 4th Landscape Architecture Exhibition which will take place in Belgrade/Serbia. Check the website: http://www.upa.org.rs/index.php/english  and also the pdf  4th+LA+exhibition+Srebia+2011

IV Medjunarodni Salon Pejzazne Arhitekture

DOGAĐANJA IV SALON PEJZAŽNE ARHITEKTURE 2011 U organizaciji  Udruženja pejzažnih arhitekata Srbije , u Beogradu će se od  9. do 21. novembra 2011.  godine održati  IV Salon pejzažne arhitekture . Mesto održavanja je  Galerija nauke i tehnike Srpske akademije nauke i umetnosti , Ulica Đure Jakšića  br. 2, Beograd, Republika Srbija. Pozivamo sve zainteresovane da učestvuju na ovoj manifestaciji. Propozicije za učešće Prijavni list